– Nr 1/2024
Nr 1/2024
Katarzyna Zalas-Kamińska
Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine as a Pivotal Element in the Polish Aid Programme and an Opportunity to Amplify the Role of Development Cooperation in the Polish Foreign Policy
Bartłomiej Secler
Concept, Typology and Functions of Anniversary Resolutions Adopted by the Polish Sejm and Senate
Małgorzata Niewiadomska-Cudak
Factors Determining the Greater Participation of Women in Local Government Presidential Elections in Poland
Filip Kaczmarek
Women in Local Politics: A Case Study of Poznań and the Wielkopolska Regional Assembly, 2018–2022
Jacek Wachowski
Stranger – Other – Muslim. On the Integration of Muslim Minorities in Europe (from an Anthropological and Cultural Perspective)
Justyna Nowotniak
‘The Private is Political’. The Problem of the Private/Public Divide in the Light of Feminist Theory of the Second Half of the 20th Century
Anastasia Kravets, Iryna Vyshnevska
Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine in the Context of National Security: Problems and Prospects
Agnieszka Stępińska
Threats to Political Information Environment and Democracy: Polish Politicians’ Perceptions
Katarzyna Agnieszka Obłąkowska
Konglomerat polityk kultury – nowy paradygmat dla zarządzania publicznego
Paweł Stachowiak
National Democracy and Nazism. The Asymmetry of Relations
Tadeusz Kopyś
Hungarian Refugees in the United Kingdom in the Context of the Domestic Policy (1956–1957)