For authors
Materials for printing should be sent via the PRESSTO system (platform of open scientific journals of the Adam Mickiewicz University):
The entire text submission procedure is carried out using the PRESSTO system.
A single paper, including notes and references, should not exceed 40,000 characters.
Reviews, polemics and notifications should not exceed 20,000 characters.
Authors have no possibility of editing the text in the course of editorial work on the periodical. The Editorial Board should receive the final version of the paper. The journal does not have any Author charges.
The text should be accompanied by information about the author:
a. full first and last name
b. academic degree, title
c. exact correspondence address, including telephone number and e-mail
The authors of all materials (articles, reviews, polemics, information) are obliged to accept within the PRESSTO system a declaration of transfer of copyright to the publication, of independent preparation of the text and its original nature.
The author has the option of depositing the published text in a repository consistent with the affiliation of his university. He can also deposit the published text on portals such as:;